Using Gestalt Awareness, Contact, Breath Work, Hypnosis

Gestalt awareness is an approach to feel alive and engaged in the present moment. In this awareness you are connected to your thoughts, body sensations, emotions, as well as to the people around you and your environment.

Using Gestalt awareness a therapist can track, moment to moment, a client’s expression, eye contact, voice (tone, volume, speed, rhythm), as well as their body language and movements. These are all clues and cues as to how clients manage in the world and make contact with themselves and others.

What happens in the therapy room is a microcosm of how clients live in the world and manage their lives. Also tracking in this way we may discover body tension that holds emotions and memories that may present barriers between the client and others.

Remember our body affects our mind and emotions as much as our mind and emotions affect our body. So when we slow down and open up our breathing, so it’s full and deep, we let our body relax. As a result we slow down our racing thoughts, doubts, fears, and become more present, centered, grounded, in our body. We focus our attention on the present moment, rather than be caught in the past or worried about the future. The present moment is the only place where we may take action. Clients who suffer severe anxiety, distress, panic attacks, for example, find that knowing how to stop these frightening reactions from happening simply by modifying their breath, may offer a sense of immediate control over their condition.

Hypnotherapy is another way, using ideas and suggestions, to guide clients to an altered state of deep and full relaxation that involves focus of attention, body awareness and mental imagery. This creative and powerful method emphasizes possibility and positive expectations. Hypnotherapy may be helpful in your replacing old habit patterns with new ways that serve you better. This method may be helpful in stress reduction, weight management, smoking cessation, sleep issues, phobias, and sexual issues. Also hypnosis helps you reduce anxiety, reconnect with your natural resourcefulness, restore self-trust, and may improve your mood.

To learn more about how hypnotherapy, gestalt awareness and mind-body approaches can help you, contact me: